Sunday 8 October 2017

You have to plant the seeds before you can have the harvest

Saturday 7 October 2017

Living for...

Do you ever have one of those moments where you realise you've been living your whole life to make other people like you and forgot to like yourself, your constant companion?

Wednesday 4 October 2017

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" - Jiddu Krishnamurti

We need you.

Monday 2 October 2017

A rising tide lifts all boats

"A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats" is often used in a political context or when discussing economy issues. But what if we took it out of its usual context and into a personal one? What if your happiness could lift that of others, too?
Aren't you your best self when you're happy with yourself? Aren't you kinder, more forgiving, smiling more, laughing more?

No one feels great all the time but maybe your contribution to the world could be to allow yourself happiness.

Saturday 30 September 2017

This too shall pass

I'm always told that I must live in the now. And I'm always stressing about whether I'm doing it right. And then my worries take over, and I cannot focus on the now. Except when I reflect back on the past and am reminded that worries came and went and life goes on.

And I know that, in time, all will be alright. And then I just am. 

Friday 29 September 2017

Is life like a drop of water?

Sometimes I like to remind myself that my life is like a drop of water in the ocean:

Sometimes it’ll be rough, sometimes it’ll be muddy, and sometimes sharks will surprise me. And sometimes it’ll be clear and still and carry me to wherever I need to be. But it cannot stay in one place.